Getting Involved
At Freeling Primary, we value family and community involvement.
As per the Department for Education Volunteer Policy, all volunteers at our school must:
- Have a current Working With Children Check (we can help you organise this)
- Complete online training for Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RRHAN-EC).
- Meet with a member of the leadership team to discuss the role and to participate in an induction session
Parent and caregiver involvement can help foster a stronger sense of community, enhance the school's existing resources, and create a more positive and inclusive atmosphere for all students. Some of the great ways to join in and get involved as parents and caregivers include:
- the Parents & Friends Group
- the Governing Council
- the Playgroup on Friday mornings in the OSHC building
- Breakfast Club on Wednesday mornings in the STEM room
- speaking with your child/ren's class teacher about other ways you could help with class activities
For more information about how you can become involved or to express interest in volunteering, please speak to the Front Office, your child's class teacher or a member of the leadership team.